Wednesday, December 28, 2011

5 Ways to Happier Life - A year passed, the range of achievements you may have already achieved. However, whether the various success was followed by a reassuring feeling of happiness? If happiness be the one thing that you are still trying to make happen, started the new year, prepare yourself with a number of ways to achieve complete happiness.

Michele Woodward, a career planning specialist and author of I Am Not Superwoman: Further Essays on Happier Living, saying, "You can feel happy to have time to make friends, and connect with people around you, which can enrich, give meaning and valuable experience other. "

Here are five ways that suggested Woordward for your happiness began to run in the new year:

1. Give credit for your accomplishments during the year 2011. Sit down, and grab a pen and paper, then make a list of your top 25 achievements that you managed to accomplish during the year 2011. "Maybe this will surprise yourself because, without realizing it, you have successfully achieved many achievements during this year," said Woodward.

This method is important to do as a form of appreciation on yourself and improve self-confidence. With more respect yourself, you helped to have the mindset that you're capable of doing many other great things, next year.

2. Determine a realistic goal. You will feel the happiness when it succeeded in meeting the target of the goals that had been developed previously. The economist Angus Deaton, PhD, and psychologist Daniel Kahneman, PhD, reveals that the happiest people are those who set realistic goals for themselves. The goal is more likely to be achieved.

In line with this, Woodward said that setting realistic goals this does not mean you give up on your big dreams. However, finding out what you want and to be achieved, then the focus to find ways to achieve it.

3. Find fun activities outside of work. "Do variety of activities that are meaningful and useful as well as fun for you," said Woodward. Various activities such as volunteer activities, starting a personal creative project, or develop your social relationships in various communities.

4. Responsible for the condition of your life. Woordward said that while working, goal to achieve financial comfort is still needed. However, responsibility for ourselves not just measured by the amount of money that you can get. Form of responsibility for yourself also means you can change various things that you do not like, in order to live a more enjoyable.

"If you have a terrible life's journey and weight, then consider turning it into a more convenient way to give meaning in your life. One way or another, looking for a new job or moving to a new place better," added Woodward.

5. Surrounded by people you care about. When surrounded by the people closest to you, such as family, friends, spouse or lover usually you will feel the excitement. This is because it turns out, being around the people you care about bringing positive energy for yourself.

Ready to be happier in the new year?

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