Everyone's trying to save money on gas these days. But did you know that your own driving habits can actually affect your fuel consumption by as much as 25 percent? Check out these five tips for fuel efficient driving and watch the savings add up:
1. Don't be a lead foot. Putting the "pedal to the metal" wastes gas because the harder you accelerate the more fuel waste. Press the accelerator pedal gently. A good rule of thumb for optimal fuel efficient driving is to take about five seconds to accelerate your vehicle up to 15 miles per hour from a stop. For a manual transmission, use a moderate throttle position and shift between 2,000 and 2,500 RPMs.
1. Don't be a lead foot. Putting the "pedal to the metal" wastes gas because the harder you accelerate the more fuel waste. Press the accelerator pedal gently. A good rule of thumb for optimal fuel efficient driving is to take about five seconds to accelerate your vehicle up to 15 miles per hour from a stop. For a manual transmission, use a moderate throttle position and shift between 2,000 and 2,500 RPMs.