Wednesday, December 7, 2011

6 Food Support Job Interview - Stress, nervousness, stomach pain, psychosomatic complaints like this are often attack at the crucial moment, including during a job interview. Although already practicing to answer questions, but if the nervous attack, everything on the head can be blank instantly.

Instead of answering questions candidly, you just respond to questions with the words of obscure meaning, or even forget to say anything. When this happens, chances are you stricken from potential candidates.

One way to avoid it, you can eat certain foods that make you feel more calm, focused, and able to think fast. Eat these foods at least one half hour before the interview, so most food is digested and have a positive effect on the brain.

1. Whole grains and green vegetables.
B vitamins, like vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid is proven to help memory, focus resources, and health and ability of the brain as a whole. In fact, folic acid can help produce red blood cells and improve the well-being and mental clarity.

Whole grains like brown rice, a major source of vitamin B. Meanwhile, green vegetables such as spinach, kale, and Swiss chard contain high folic acid and vitamin K, which will also help the brain to focus and fight memory impairment.

According to Beth Reardon, nutrition experts of Duke Integrative Medicine, Durham, South Carolina, three bowls of spinach could supply 40 percent of the magnesium. It is a mineral that can reduce the effects of stress in the body by preventing high blood pressure soaring.As a variation makanana, you can also put the spinach into the omlet or a sandwich.

2. Fat-free protein.
It is better to avoid carbs before a job interview because it can cause drowsiness. A study of two groups, ate breakfast of protein and high carbohydrate breakfast, it was found that two hours after eating, the group that ate a high carbohydrate had tryptophan levels four times higher than the group who ate the protein. Tryptophan is a substance known as a trigger sleepiness.

Meanwhile, protein helps the body produces two chemicals made from tyrosine, norepinephrine and dopamine. This substance will increase mental alertness. Fat-free protein you can get from white meat and eggs.

3. Healthy fats.
The brain requires a supply of healthy essential fatty acids or omega-3 fatty acids in order to function optimally. Fat is a major building block of brain tissue. It will even help you stay focused, protecting brain cell membranes, and reduce disease dementia, Alzheimer's, stroke and other brain diseases later in life.

These fatty acids can only be obtained from food. Therefore, the human body can not produce it naturally. You can get it from fish, walnuts, olive oil, avocados, and flaxseed.

Hemp seed is also the best source alfalinoleat acid, a type of healthy fat that increases the performance of the brain cortex, where the brain processes sensory information. As for fish, especially salmon contain omega-3 can enhance the ability of the brain and reduce senility. The study, published by the Diabetes & Metabolism, shows through cognitive tests, participants who ate salmon during three weeks of anti-stress hormone known to spend a higher level.

4. Orange
Eat an orange for stamina awake during the interview. According to a study conducted by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, healthy people who are stressed can be a pain.

Basically, blood pressure greatly affects the immune system. However, it can be combated with regular consumption of vitamin C that is widely available in orange. Vitamin C will increase the body's immune cells and reduce the risk of viral entry.

5. Chocolates.
During this chocolate is known as a stress reliever food. According to Alan Hirsch, MD, director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, Chicago, chocolate will increase the level of the neurotransmitter substances into the brain. Increased spending on these substances will trigger hormone maker happy and relaxed, like hormone dopamine.

6. Coffee
As long as your body is no problem with the coffee, you are advised to consume these drinks before facing a job interview. According to the researchers, coffee can increase short-term memory performance and help increase the capacity of attention and problem solving skills.

But, it is better not to overdo when drinking coffee. Too much coffee not only will make you urinate frequently, but also will make you jittery and nervous. As a result, you can look unprepared in front of the interviewer.

Monday, August 22, 2011

When the judge yourself, if you include the type of the sharpest critics and evil? The attitude of self-critic can be beneficial but also detrimental impact. You need to be overcome.

When co-workers congratulated on promotion that you just received, you actually even say that the actual work done is far from enough. Or, the most simple, when you are far more attentive to reflect the lack of visible and ignore the extra. For example, a dull hair, puffy eyes, acne are many.

If your mind is often boarded by a negative view of yourself, then no wonder if the plans and the desire to end the extent of discourse. The reason is not other people or external reasons, but your own thoughts. Other people may just give advice. However, you argue, criticize yourself if want to get ahead.

Actually, self-critic would be beneficial if you also appreciate the successes ever achieved."Self-critic will be bad and makes us judge ourselves negatively if done excessively. It is best to be fair to yourself," explains psychologist, Ida Diantini Viatrie, MSI from the University of Malang, East Java.

A person tends to focus on the ugliness or weakness, because they do not want to be judged ugly by others. Therefore, he will always try to find it before anyone else knew.

"The problem is, whether our efforts to overcome it realistic or even redundant? If realistic, we can certainly accept ugliness as part of the self and trying to match their best. The excessive weakness is that if we reject it vigorously, so that even looks ridiculous," he continued.

How to cope
"Believe in yourself. Thank shortcomings are, and discover the advantages and our greatness. It would be better than furiously reject ugliness or weakness," advises Diantini.

Accepting yourself as it is also included to receive the achievements, not necessarily even modestly to humble yourself. It is reasonable attitude is actually not hard to do. So, there's no point in sabotaging yourself by being a critic is too sharp and wicked against themselves.

Prevention Indonesia / Irene J. Meiske)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Indicate "Attitude" When Finding a Job - Attitude had a large portion of the valuation department of human resources (HR) when selecting employees. Although technical skills are important, but without the attitude that good companies will think twice to accept the prospective employee.

"If at Holcim, which we see attitude, because it is more important than technical skill that everyone can," said Rully Safari, HR Director of PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk, while talk show at Compass Career Fair (KKF) 2011, held at the Balai Kartini, Jakarta, Friday (04/29/2011) then.

HR sees attitude based on experience Rully divided into three terms. The first is dynamic.Are you a dynamic, and exudes the spirit? According Rully, this can be captured from his eyes. "From the eyes visible enthusiasm for work," said Rully.

A further factor is the preparation. If you are applying for a job, you should gather information about the company as much as possible. Why do you want to apply in this company, and what your target. Finally, large companies usually ask for the desired salary.

If you are classified as new graduates, Rully advised not to ask for higher salaries. Should do research first how the range of salaries with similar positions in other companies.Salary scale which you requested should still among the range of salaries in other companies. This is also true for those who have experienced. Although experienced in other companies, not necessarily someone will be suitable to work in new places.Therefore should follow the first salary range of the company.

"If you've proven to work fine, you can propose a reasonable salary increase," said Rully.

At the end of the interview, applicants will normally be given the opportunity to ask something to the interviewer. Unfortunately, many applicants who squander this opportunity. "In the interview, if the interviewer asks if you have any questions, you should ask it. Gali more information about the company," said Rully.

Rully added, in work, relationships between employees and firms have to happen both ways. Therefore, during the interview, job seekers should start with a two-way relationship is asked when are welcome.

After the work achieved, do not forget to keep your attitude. According to experience Rully, usually during the period of one month to three months, new employees are still being respectful, keep the image, but after it started its own wishes. In fact, the attitude should still be retained as your selling points in a company that has entrusted you a job.

The phenomenon of "fleas" are not recommended by Rully, because sometimes make a person become less good attitude. Fleas Rully is the term given to employees who work just so he does not idle. He did not really want to work at the company. These fleas usually move from one job to another every three to six months.

"Although fleas, you must keep the attitude to create a good reputation to get the job you want," added Rully. Reputation is important to keep your good name in any company. You may not realize when the companies that you singgahi is still the same group.

If you have been getting the job you want, attitude is important to make others comfortable working with you, so you can work with a longer period of time. The fighting spirit that you show during the interview, should be retained. Thus, when getting fed up with work, you can challenge yourself to continue to innovate and continue to be creative.